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Missa Lumen Full Recordings

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This new ”Mass of Light” is characterised by a special tonal language. An expressive archaic vocal style is combined with a solemn classical charm and slightly popular nuances. The light of the human quest, of the assurance of faith and divine eternal joy form the message of the Missa Lumen – a Mass that moves performers and the audience alike. 


  1. Kyrie – a cappella
  2. Kyrie – vok.-instr.
  3. Gloria – a cappella
  4. Gloria – vok.-instr.
  5. Credo – a cappella
  6. Credo – vok.-instr.
  7. Sanctus – a cappella
  8. Sanctus – vok.-instr.
  9. Agnus Dei – a cappella
  10. Agnus Dei – vok.-instr.

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